Events can be moved from date to date. You may even move an event from one Resource to another. Each operation can be done when you are in the Calendar section.
When you are in the Calendar section, only the events for the visible Resources are displayed. See "Managing Resources" for more information.
To Go To The Calendar Section:
Choose from the Main Menu "File/Go To Section/Calendar", or
Click on the Main Section Toolbar icon:
Calendar, or
Press the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+2
To Move An Event To A Different Date:
Select the event with your mouse, then drag the event over to the left side smaller month calendars, onto the desired date.
To Move An Event To A Different Time:
Select the event with your mouse, then drag the event up or down the day view, onto the desired time.
To Move An Event To A Different Resource:
Select the event with your mouse, then drag the event over to the Resource's day view listing. The Resource must be in view in order to achieve this.
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